Star Wars VII : The Force Awakens
Take a look at all the new shots that J.J. Abrams and the folks at Star Wars have brought us. We see a slightly larger scale to the film, with more detail regarding the new main characters Rey, Finn, and Poe Dameron as well as Kylo Ren and the Cross Light Saber in action. Let us not forget about the Mark Hamill, Luke Skywalker voice over of his classic line from Return of the Jedi (with a new add on). “The force is strong in my family. My father has it, I have it, my sister has it. You have that power too.” You also have Harrison Ford reprising his role with Peter Mayhews Chewbacca with Han Solo saying “Chewy, we’re home.” Excitement is buzzing all around, and I personally as a fan couldn’t be happier. What are your thoughts about the new trailer?

The Original Star Wars VII Trailer
This was our first look at the new Star Wars footage. The voice of Andy Serkis saying “There’s been an awakening, have you felt it? The dark side, and the light.” sent chills down our spines as we gazed with amazement at this new Star Wars Saga begin.