by conquest | Oct 22, 2020 | Comics |
Welcome to Cape Haven: Four
By Writer Steve Stone and Artist James Stone
by conquest | Oct 9, 2019 | Comics |
Now leaving Cape Haven: A Noir Tale of Hugo Danner, and the Crimson Mystic written and drawn by James Stone.
by conquest | May 24, 2018 | Comics |
Welcome to Cape Haven Three Welcome To Cape Haven: Three Cape Haven Three brings us to the City that Hugo Danner has feared was coming. Hugo comes face to face with own mortality and the consequences of actions still yet to come. Take a trip into the future with us in...
by conquest | Apr 10, 2017 | News |
Thor: Ragnarok Trailer and 80 pics So the new trailer for Thor Ragnarok has just dropped, and Marvel Studios has outdone themselves once again! Watch the New Trailer here and then get a pic by pic breakdown of the trailer. (Thor falling) (Into Hel perhaps) (The domain...
by conquest | Dec 22, 2016 | Podcast |
Set In Stone Podcast Issue #11: Funeral Potato Salad This is an introduction to the editorial/creative staff of Plot Twist Publishing. In this issue we chat with Jean, Coy, Greg, Cubstead, and our own host James and learn about the ups and downs of self-publishing...